Sunday 21 August 2011

My room isn't messy - it's a real life fractal!

This was one of the ten word (or less) scripts which didn't make the cut when
I decided what to make Hank Green say. All the people who bought his new album, Ellen Hardcastle, early, got to send him a script that he would later make into a video. I will alert you to the video where my script has been used (when it is made). In the meanwhile, I'll just share some more of my ten word scripts.

I am considering writing the title of this blogpost all pretty on a piece of paper and stick it on my wall. I really like it, and I smile every time I read it. Today, I went over some of my old poems to find some good phrases, and I came across these:

"All things join, in time, nature'c climb and decline."

"Nature rolls like waves - ever changing, always the same."

They are a bit rewritten, but they both come from this poem, which, I realised when I reread it, I am really pleased with.

Then we have my dad's favourite (he says it all the time):

"I used to be indecisive - now I'm not so sure."

I really love this one too, I've sort of grown up with it. Every time we couldn't make up our minds (or kept changing them, both of which happened (and happens) frequently), he would say this. Or, he would say, in a sing-songy voice: "It's make-your-mind-up time!" Ah, the nostalgia!

Then, of course, we have the one related to what I'm studying:

"Nature is an awe-inspiring, perfectly organised mess."

It pretty much sums up what I feel about nature, and, of course, I love nature for being like this!

And, to show my love for books:

"The best way to travel is by reading a book."

Of course this is true - at least it's the easiest and cheapest way, but the real thing is often more appealing to the senses.

Then, of course, the cheesy nerdfightery one:

"Love your neighbour - reduce worldsuck!"

And last, but not least, we have the one I turned into my tumblr URL:

"My home is where my bookshelf is."

So yeah, I have a tumblr now. Go check it out if you like nerdy, funny, and beautiful stuff (this is what I think (and hope) I will post).

Books read: 39
Pages read: 11013

PS: and now (10.10.2012) the video has finally been made, so I can reveal what made the final cut. Check out the video below.

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